Promo exclusive


 Eatwith is the world’s largest community for authentic food experiences with locals, in over 130 countries. From a dinner party in an elegant Paris home, to an Italian feast with a Roman family, to a cooking class in Tokyo, EatWith connects hand-selected local hosts with travelers seeking unique, immersive experiences. Whether they’re home-cooks, food-lovers, MasterChefs, or Michelin-starred chefs, the hosts all share one special ingredient: a passion for bringing people together through food.


(1) Connect to the website Eatwith here.

(2) Create your account (necessary to book).

(3) Choose your event and request a booking.

(4) On the summary page, enter the code (oboneatwith) to get 10 euros discount

Conditions :

-The code is only applicable to one event.

-To use the coupon, the spent must be minimum 90€.

-The code can only be used once

-The coupon is validated until 2018/12/31




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